KHAOS Water Products Instructions and Care

For a tutorial on how to fill our Water Products see video below

Khaos® Waterboy

The Khaos® Waterboy (formerly Strength & Stability Trainer and sometimes referred to as an aqua bag) offers benefits that traditional weight training tools cannot provide. This device can be partially filled with water, providing active resistance rather than static resistance. As the Waterboy is moved during exercise, the water constantly shifts, actively recruiting the stabilizing muscles. Increasing the strength of the stabilizers can both decrease the risk of injury and improve athletic performance.

Because of the additional balance and stability requirements, the weight required to challenge an athlete is less than the amount needed in traditional resistance training. The weight of the Khaos® Waterboy can be altered simply by adding or removing water until the desired weight is achieved; the balance of the device volume is filled with compressed air. (Less water makes the device more unstable). Many exercises performed with a traditional barbell or dumbbell can be performed with the Khaos® Waterboy.

The Khaos® Waterboy is available in three sizes with fixed handles:

  • Small (Green) – Approximately 60lb weight when filled to capacity
  • Medium (Black) – Approximately 90lb weight when filled to capacity
  • Large (Grey) – Approximately 200lb weight when filled to capacity

The Khaos® Waterboy is not designed for throws. An air pump is included. Instructions for use are not included.

Khaos® Water Ball

The Khaos® Water Ball is an inflatable ball with water added to provide unstable weight. Its awkward shape makes the Khaos® Water Ball an effective tool to incorporate into athletic training programs for strength, grip, and power.

The water added to the Khaos® Water Ball constantly moves during the performance of exercises. This ever-changing instability adds challenge to traditional exercises as well as sport and activity-specific movement patterns. Using the Khaos® Water Ball stimulates functional strength and enables an athlete to develop muscles that are difficult to develop with a traditional weight training program.

The instability of the Khaos® Water Ball during exercise requires strong stabilization and dynamic re-centering of balance throughout the range of motion. It is an excellent tool to use in traditional strongman movements to get stronger, more explosive, and more powerful. It provides an excellent (and more user-friendly) alternative to the Atlas stones while performing movements that utilize functional full-body strength and power.

The filler port on the Khaos® Balls makes it very easy to vary the weight and the stability of the device by adding or removing water; the more water (and less air) it has, the heavier and more stable it will be, while less water (and more air) makes it lighter but more unstable. The Khaos® Ball is available in three sizes:

  • Small (Green) – Approximately 30lb weight when filled to capacity
  • Medium (Blue) – Approximately 50lb weight when filled to capacity
  • Large (Red) – Approximately 80lb weight when filled to capacity

The Khaos® Ball is durably constructed and will easily absorb impact when dropped; however, the device is not designed for impact throws or slams. An air pump is included. Instructions for use are not included.

Khaos® Water Yoke

Controlling the Khaos® Water Yoke as it is moved through an exercise requires the stabilization and recruitment of different muscles through the range of motion. As the Water Yoke's center of gravity shifts, the athlete must shift posture accordingly. As a low weight, high repetition training tool, this device challenges the athlete to complete both traditional as well as sport-specific exercises through compound movements that enhance core recruitment. The primary movers must synergistically engage smaller stabilizer muscles to move them effectively through the desired movement pattern. The unstable resistance created by moving water within the suspended sphere containers enhances controlled, balance-oriented movements that require refined motor skills. The Khaos® Water Yoke is a tremendous tool for athletes to improve athletic performance by improving their ability to move resistance effectively, efficiently, and precisely.

The Khaos® Water Yoke is intended for exercises that are low weight and high repetition. For athletes that do not have muscle hypertrophy as their sole fitness goal, the Water Yoke can provide a vital training adaptation that engages the body physically and neurologically through exercises in all planes of movement. For those athletes in heavy weight training, the device can be used effectively as a substitute activity for heavyweight off-days. It can also be used effectively as a low-load workout to maintain gains in season on recovery days and may actually enhance recovery.

The Khaos® Water Yoke is ideal for those athletes reluctant to train with heavy weights due to concerns of muscle hypertrophy or adding bulk. Proper use can lead to decreased body fat, increased strength, and endurance, without a significant increase in body mass. As a closed chain device, the uneven and shifting resistance of the device supplies increased joint, muscular, and neuromuscular activities making it well suited for field and court athletes because the feet are in contact with solid ground and all instability comes from the unstable load.

The Khaos® Yoke is useful for neuromuscular training and can result in improved stability and control due to the internal random load redistribution. The stabilization benefits of the Water Yoke outpace those of other stability training protocols because the lifter must manage three-dimensional instability as the spheres sway back and forth and side to side while resisting the shifting water within the suspended spheres. Training protocols with the Water Yoke result in a more functional exercise because the athlete has to not only focus on primary movers but synergistically engage smaller fixators and neutralizers to stabilize the load and move it effectively through the desired movement path.

Ideal for home, commercial, or institutional use the Khaos® Water Yoke is lightweight and portable. The device consists of two 16" diameter spheres with connector webbing. The spheres are designed to be filled with a combination of water and compressed air. The weight of each sphere can be altered simply by adding or removing water until the desired weight is achieved providing a resistance weight as small as 1lb to a maximum of 35lb. The balance of the device volume after water is added is filled with compressed air from the included air pump. (The spheres should never be filled to capacity - less water/more air makes the device more unstable). The Water Yoke consists of a 52" custom light-weight barbell, 2 water spheres, air pump, and 4 bar clips. Instructions for use are not included.